Keep Moving Forward
Take a look below to learn about the schedule for 2022 Concurrent Enrollment WRT104 Conference. If you have any questions about specific activities or event timing, please don’t hesitate to get in touch - we’ll be happy to help.
8:30 AM
Registration/Coffee (Hardge Forum)
Stop at the registration table and see Lori, or Panda for conference materials and other resources.
9:10 AM
Opening Activity - Everyone
9:20 AM
Introduction and updates - Frank Romanelli
Up to date information about concurrent and dual enrollment @URI, RI, regionally, and nationally
10 AM
Open Forum - Everyone
Discussion of topics submitted by members
10:25 AM
Students Reflect​
Wyatt Polasek (student)
Katie Riedy (student)
Helmawaty Rumbiak (student)
Sopanha Touch (Teaching and Program Assistant)
Wyatt and Katie were part of Frank's spring hybrid section of WRT104 in Kingston. Helma was in a fall 2019 section in Providence while studying at JWU before starting her full semester at URI in spring 2020
Panda has been a TA in every section of WRT104 I have taught since starting the present curriculum. He has also worked as the CE program assistant.
10:45 AM
12:00 PM
Greetings from Dr. Ammina Kothari, Director of the Harrington School of Communication and Media
1:00 PM
Join a discussion about the topics we shared this morning or another topic of your interest. Remember the rule of two feet,
1:45 PM
Sharing and Networking
Time to share, collaborate, and add information to the essential questions around the room